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From President Claudine Gay

“The Supreme Court decision on college and university admissions will change how we pursue the educational benefits of diversity—but our commitment to that work remains steadfast.”

Read more from President Gay

News & Documents

The supreme court building
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The Harvard Gazette
Harvard united in resolve in face of Supreme Court’s admissions ruling
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The Supreme Court Decision

A harvard building during sunset
The Supreme Court Decision
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A message from President Claudine Gay

Students walking in Harvard Yard
A message from President Claudine Gay
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Students in graduation outfits walking in Harvard Yard
The end of affirmative action in college admissions: Weighing the impact
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Editorial: On race-conscious university admissions, SCOTUS should follow precedent

Pedestrians walk through Harvard Yard at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., on April 20, 2020. (Adam Glanzman/Bloomberg)
Editorial: On race-conscious university admissions, SCOTUS should follow precedent