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The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture

Dear Members of the Harvard Community,

I write to invite you to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Lecture. Each fall, we gather to honor the activism and service of Dr. King and to acknowledge an individual who has made significant contributions to the cause of advancing equality and justice in our time.

On Wednesday, October 4, at 5:30 p.m., we will welcome the Honorable Loretta Lynch, AB ’81, JD ’84, to Sanders Theatre. A distinguished public servant and the 83rd US attorney general, Ms. Lynch has kept racial and social justice at the center of her career, working to protect the right to vote and to ensure that individuals once denied the safeguards of the law are now afforded its protections. Her efforts to defend, as she put it, “not only America’s people, but also America’s values” continue to be a source of both affirmation and inspiration. 

I hope you will join me as we celebrate a daughter of Harvard who has strengthened our democracy and continued the sure-footed march toward equal justice. 
