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Letter regarding Dean Jeremy Knowles

Cambridge, MA

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Last Tuesday, Dean Jeremy Knowles wrote to the members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to say that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and to express his hope that, having begun a new round of treatment, he would return to the office soon.

I am saddened to say that in recent days Jeremy’s condition has taken a turn for the worse. In the circumstances, I have asked Professor David Pilbeam to step in as interim dean of the FAS. Having worked with David over many years, I know him to be a man of the highest integrity, devoted to Harvard and to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. His long experience and familiarity with University Hall make him the ideal person to assume responsibility at this difficult moment.

For now, our thoughts are with Jeremy and his family. No one has loved Harvard more or worked more tirelessly in its behalf. In his absence, we will do our best to carry on with the important work of the Faculty and the University — as Jeremy, more than anyone, would wish.

Derek Bok