Whether through dance, song, instruments, or voice, music provides us with a universal language. Experts from the Harvard community explore how music aids in learning, improves well-being, and fosters social change.

The benefits of music
The benefits of practicing, listening, and making music are well-documented.

Using music in early childhood classrooms
Good morning songs aren’t just fun—they can teach about others.
Using music in early childhood classroomsDeveloping critical, creative thinkers through music

Voices at Harvard
Finding rhythm in reverence
Divinity School alum Aric Flemming discusses how music is an extension of—rather than a diversion from—his ministerial outreach.
Overture of an opera life
Benjamin Perry Wenzelberg’s senior thesis will be a commissioned opera for Lowell House Opera, based on an epic work of literature: James Joyce’s “Ulysses.”
Changing course
Julia Riew was on the pre-med track, while also exploring her long-held love of musical theater. Two years after starting at Harvard College, she realized she was more drawn to the stage.
Passing the torch of representation
Young Black artist-animator Uzo Ngwu helps breathe life into a film that highlights trailblazing Harvard music historian Eileen Southern.
A different kind of thesis
In 2019, Luke Martinez created the Department of Music’s first pop music creative thesis.
The rhythmatist
Rajna Swaminathan has been described as “a groundbreaking 21st-century composer-performer and thinker.”

Protesting police violence, a playlist
According to Marcyliena Morgan, the founding executive director of the Harvard Archive, we should think of hiphop as a historical record of the nation’s racial violence and injustice.

Eileen Southern and the music of Black Americans
Dive into the life and work of Eileen Southern, the first Black woman tenured at Harvard.

It’s never art for art’s sake
Renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma discusses the ways in which “citizen musicians” can help build a more just and free society as an extension of their work as artists.

The role of hiphop in education
Students at the Graduate School of Education explore hiphop’s long history of being a tool of civic expression, and how it should be embraced in education.
A universal language
Music’s ability to create connections across communities, cultures, and even cosmos is well-documented.
The Loeb Music Library
Open to the general public, Harvard’s Loeb Music Library gives visitors the opportunity to embrace musical performance and research from around the world.
Compose your musical journey
Join the Harvard community and learn more about music, dance, song, and more.